Blue Moon Samhain, 2020

I’m back to wish everyone a Happy Samhain/full moon/blue moon. I also want to give an update on my life and last, share some news. This will be a very long post; my apologies.

First, Dudley and I are doing all right. We feel fortunate to have another beautiful old Victorian home in another historic river town. I had my doubts that any other place could ever feel like home ~ and when we first moved here, I felt like a guest in someone’s lovely house ~ but this house feels like home now. One of the things that most helped me connect energetically to this house was working in the yard and gardens ~ more on that in a moment. Other elements of our new town that I love are the wind, the bluffs and river, the neighborhood crows, and train whistles.

There are no resident spirits here ~ or none that I’ve sensed anyway. I had an experience one night of seeing two spirit girls (middle school age, younger than the spirit sisters) but nothing since then. Our new house itself seems to have a friendly sentience or awareness that both Dudley and I have noticed. A loud responsive creak at just the right time when we’re talking about the house, lots of good luck finding just what we needed in the sea of moving boxes in our first month here, and happy coincidences involving the house, such as yesterday, needing to move a curtain rod at the bottom of a French door (because the curtain was too long) and finding holes already in place exactly where they needed to be (not in the standard spot but just where we needed them).

I have not had any visits from Leon, the spirit sisters, or any other former house spirits in our new house. That makes me a little sad, but I respect the boundary or decision that is behind it. I do believe that my former house spirits can still hear me and I send out greetings and gratitude for their help every now and then. I still have Leon’s coffee can safe and rotary phone, and a sewing machine that belonged to a former tenant of the house (Gertrude’s sister Elizabeth). The seed poster door is on display on our dining room but the spotlight hasn’t blinked once in our new home. I do miss having friendly spirits in the household but trust that things are unfolding in the way they’re supposed to.

I visited my former house once to exchange wildflowers with my friend Michelle. It was hard ~ I felt a big rush of fondness and loss for my boulevard sugar maples as I stepped onto the property. I haven’t gone inside the house and probably won’t. I’m grateful to Michelle for making it possible for me to leave once I decided we needed to.

I had thought about offering haunted tea parties and spirited schoolhouse events here, or possibly running an Airbnb with a writing or spirit world theme. The lack of resident spirits and Covid-19 restrictions changed those plans. Two of my dear friends who were spirited schoolhouse teachers ~ psychic medium Linda Cora and dowser Curt Hansen ~ have passed away. It seems like the energy has changed and it’s time for new ventures.

Realizing that everything has shifted made it easier to make a decision regarding the last vestige of my Annie Wilder work: I have decided to close down the Annie Wilder Literary Agency at the end of this year. I love the work, but have reluctantly concluded that I need to find work that is less labor intensive and more remuneration intensive. : ) I’ll still have some client projects coming out in 2021 or 2022. (Those are the publishing timelines that make it hard to make a living in publishing.)

I plan to keep my Facebook page open for a while at least. Two of my good friends from the spirited schoolhouse events ~ intuitive energy worker Suzanne Worthley and medium Janice Carlson are now literary agency clients. Suzanne’s first book, “An Energy Healer’s Book of Dying”, came out last March right as Covid restrictions hit. I’ll be publishing an interview with Suzanne on this page and on my website blog in the next day or two. And we’re in the process of selling Janice’s book. So, some new adventures with good friends to make change/loss easier.

Last, what’s ahead? I mentioned how restorative it was to work in our yard and gardens this past year. I am starting on a new path of working with earth energy to do what I can to help heal the earth. It is slow going; I wish I had the psychic skills of my friends. But a new guide has appeared to help with this project; I’m just starting to get to know him. I’m once again seeing the geometric light figures that I often saw at my former house. They seem to be part of the way I’m gaining information. I’m keeping a journal and am hopeful and excited to see where this path leads.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been a friend of this blog and my Facebook page, who has attended tea parties and spirited schoolhouse events, and especially the friends who came back to many events over the years ~ I was and am grateful for your support and interest in spirit world topics and my events. Brightest Blessings ~ Annie