Feng Shui Essentials in a Friendly Haunted House


My thanks to Feng Shui expert Lea Ann Paradise  and all of the fabulous guests who attended our Feng Shui class on Saturday. We got a lot of information on how to optimize the flow of energy in our environments to help make heartfelt dreams and specific goals come true.

Lea Ann ran an elemental chart for me based on Chinese astrology and I learned that I am strong in metal and earth energy, but for balance, I need more water, fire, and wood — particularly wood if I want to have more prosperity in my life! We also learned what shapes, colors, and materials would increase each element in our environment.

For example, for wood, I need to bring in or emphasize blues/greens and stripes/columns in my house. For water, I need to add or highlight mirrors, the color black, and wave-shaped or water-themed furniture or artwork (like boats or fish). Anyone who has been to my house knows that, except for the (leafy) green walls of the guest room and Dudley’s office, I have very little green or blue in my color-filled house.

I do have a sailboat sculpture that a young family member gave me years ago in our “adventure” room, a lily pad water pond scene in the upstairs bath, a lily pad and koi bench on the staircase landing, a conch shell in the parlor and some pretty shells in the guest room. (I believe that in a recent past life, I drowned in a violent storm in the ocean; perhaps this is why the water colors and themes in my home are subdued and serene.)

I am going to make some of the changes Lea Ann suggested, and will document them in my blog in occasional posts, as well as any changes I experience in my life that may be the result of Feng Shui.

Also, I did make  a few changes before the class. I replaced the small, no-longer-working  airplane-on-a-string in the adventure room, with the intention of going an exotic trip in this year or next! (Our last trip, to Cuba, was in 2012.) I also scraped the peeling paint off the front porch, and will prime it and add a fresh coat of paint when the weather warms up. The intention with the porch was to improve the appearance of our home, create more positive energy inside and out, and generate more income to make other needed home improvements.

Will keep you posted on what happens!