May Day Crow


Happy May Day, everyone!

Having a small Beltane Magic party tonight and was very happy to see a crow visitor at the birdbath today. I have been fascinated by crows for years ~ I’ve been working on, off and on for a long time, a short story that involves crows and magic. I have long wanted crows to come to my yard so I could learn about their habits in a direct way and not just by reading about them.

Also read a fascinating article earlier this year about a little girl who feeds crows and they bring her gifts. Since I’ve never noticed crows at our birdbath before the past few days, I put a small shiny necklace in the birdbath yesterday to see if they would take it. This morning, I saw one of the crows in the birdbath again and took these pictures. He didn’t take the necklace, but I saw something in the water and went out to take a closer look after he flew away. It was a bone! Not sure if this is a gift or if the crow was going to come back later and finish it. May Day magic? We shall see.


I put fresh water in the birdbath and left some bread for the crows, if the squirrels don’t get to it first.

‪#‎maydaymagic‬ ‪#‎beltane‬ ‪#‎crows‬