Announcing the Annie Wilder Literary Agency

Annie Wilder Literary Agency

I’m very pleased to announce my new venture: The Annie Wilder Literary Agency. 

This is the second and final piece in a plan to help writers of paranormal and metaphysical books get book deals and get their books into the hands of readers.

Here’s what I say on my web pages for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency and Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults:

I want to help you get published. 

I’ve had a lot of lucky breaks and opportunities in my writing career and one of my goals is to help other writers get published.

Through the Annie Wilder Literacy Agency, and Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults,  I can offer writers and aspiring writers whatever level of assistance is needed. All the details on how to query, submit material, or get an idea of costs (for editing) are available right on my website:

Annie Wilder Literary Agency

Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults

I have many friends in the paranormal publishing and paranormal media field who are helping me get the word out — Jim Harold of the mega-popular Paranormal Podcast, and Phyllis Galde, publisher of FATE magazine, to name just a few. Thank you, Jim and Phyllis!

I also want to thank my good friend and fellow writer, Terry Aldershof, for giving me the idea of starting a literary agency in the first place. Terry is a former trucker who wrote the foreword and contributed three excellent stories to Trucker Ghost Stories. We also appeared together on the Discovery Channel/Destination America show Monsters and Mysteries in America. (Season 1, “Badlands” episode, if you want to check it out.) Terry has a truly terrifying true ghost story book of his own, Anatomy of a Haunting, published under his pen name, Lee Strong. (Terry was my first client for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency, which seems fitting and right. I already have other clients as well, which is one of the reasons why I’ve been so busy this summer.)

It is my hope that I will have the opportunity to help many other writers realize their dream of getting published.

I’ll end this post by sharing the testimonial that was the catalyst for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency and by linking to my favorite page on my website, the testimonials page.



“I am not sure that Annie understands how much she impacted my life.  When I gave her the synopsis of Anatomy of a Haunting, it was she who insisted that I write it.  It was Annie who gave my synopsis to her agent to sell it, and when that didn’t work out, she stepped in and helped me get my manuscript in shape to query a publisher.

“When all that was done… she found a publisher that loved my book. I know that whatever she does, she will make an impact on the lives she touches. I wish Annie would consider being an agent. She is exactly what this industry needs.”

—Lee Strong, author of Anatomy of a Haunting