The Einstein Principle

EinsteinPrinciple_CoverVery pleased to introduce my friend Mike Peterson and his new book, The Einstein Principle: How the Smartest Man in the World + 20,000 Psychic Readings Taught Me the Secret to True Wealth & Happiness.  (Editing and design courtesy of Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults!)

Mike contacted me on Facebook through a friend of a friend with a great book idea and an incredible determination to do whatever needed to be done to get his book out into the world. Working with Mike has been a pleasure and I am proud to say that some of my most talented and creative friends from Llewellyn days were on board to help with design and copyediting. (My role, along with finding a fabulous editor and designer, was developmental editing and project management.)


Mike is a successful psychic intuitive who makes a living doing psychic readings and consultations. His book, based on his readings and decades of  experience, presents a clear and straightforward process for creating the life you want and making your dreams come true. Whether your goal is to create prosperity, become a better partner/spouse, lose weight, succeed in a business venture, or anything else that you truly desire, Mike provides a simple, step-by-step process for achieving your goal, and offers support and encouragement along the way. Each chapter also presents an actual case file from his psychic readings that illustrates the principle being taught.

I believe people who enjoy my books and learning more about the metaphysical world will enjoy reading Mike’s book as well. If you purchase The Einstein Prinicple, both Mike and I would be interested in your feedback. Of course, if Mike ever comes to Minnesota, I plan to invite hime to do an event at my house and will post about it here. You can read more about The Einstein Principle, plus Mike’s psychic readings and spirit world work here.




Had a great visit this weekend with my trucker friend and fellow author Gary Gillespie and his wife Kim. Gary contributed three great stories to TRUCKER GHOST STORIES and, just last month, released his own very cool book of true ghost stories and paranormal encounters, CHRONICLES OF THE UNEXPLAINED.


I’ve been working (as a friend) with Gary for the past few years on publishing process consults and a bit of editing help, plus I wrote the foreword for his book, but this was the first time we actually met. He and Kim are awesome people and we were happy to finally meet in person. 

Gary has been interviewed on Coast to Coast AM, Jim Harold’s Paranormal Podcast, and Darkness Radio with Dave Schrader and Tom Dennis, among other shows. If you have not yet had a chance to do so, please check out CHRONICLES OF THE UNEXPLAINED, Gary’s book of true ghost stories and paranormal encounters.…/…/0738745383

‪#‎paranormal‬ ‪#‎ghosts‬ ‪#‎Bigfoot‬


Haunted Tea Party Tonight!


Tea party tonight! It’s been awhile; much of the last month has been taken up with editing and agenting work. (My schedule has been bursting at the seams with these new endeavors, but it’s very interesting and satisfying work, and I am grateful for it. I’ll be posting here occasionally about books/authors with whom I’ve worked, and whose books, I believe, will appeal to fans of my books.)

I spent yesterday working in our yard, trimming and culling, scrubbing the bird bath and sweeping a few cobwebs off the porch and windows. I picked all the fresh raspberries and noticed that our capricious plum tree is lush with fruit. Tomorrow, we’ll harvest the plums. After spending a day in the yard, I felt more grounded and calm than I’ve felt in weeks ~ it’s amazing what sunshine, fresh air, and working with flowers, plants, and trees can do.

In spirit news, Leon came though in a big way when we had a recent visitor. I’m going to save some of the details of the story for my book, but can share that I had some reservations about this guest, mostly because it seemed like there was an undeclared aspect to her visit. When I gave her a brief tour of our house, she stopped before entering Leon’s old living room. (This is the room where Leon slams the door shut if he doesn’t want someone in the house.) I asked her if she was going to come in, and she said, “I’m being told not to enter.” After a moment, she said, “Okay, I’ve been told it’s all right.” So I know she was tuned in to Leon.

We spoke the next morning before she left and she told me that there was a male spirit in the back porch watching her in the night. (She slept in a tent in the backyard.) She saw his energy as a blue ball of light, which matches the appearance of some of the spirit energy I saw when I first moved into my house. She said he wasn’t malevolent, just wary, and that he told her he was trying to figure out who she was and what she was about. When she came into the house to use the bathroom, he was no longer visible, but she felt him watching her the entire time she was inside. Back in her tent, she could hear him speaking from the back porch, although she couldn’t quite make out most of what he was saying. (This is a common characteristic of ghost voices, in my experience.) Sometimes he was speaking directly to her and other times to a female spirit, whose identity was a mystery to the guest.

When I heard this story, I thanked Leon for his attention and assistance. I feel very fortunate knowing that Leon is here when needed, looking after the home he loved and our family.


Night Yard ~ Summer 2015


Here in Minnesota, we have been blessed  with one of most perfect summers I can remember ~ sunny days, clear blue skies, pleasant temps, enough rain (usually at night) that the grass and gardens are still lush and colorful in early August, and just enough breezy or blustery days to keep someone who loves the wind (like me) happy.

This photo was taken a few nights ago. I did not want to go inside; the night was so magical ~ the moon was full and bright, bats were swooping, a  train rumbled by, and an interesting night wind made the backyard flowers and milkweed plants sway and curtsy. I love my house!

This summer, I’ve been busy with editing and agenting work (for which I am grateful) but I haven’t forgotten the haunted tea parties and Spirited Schoolhouse events.

We have five seats available at an haunted tea party coming up on Saturday, August 22. This is an evening tea party, from 7:00 ~ 9:30 PM, which I don’t offer that often ~ if you’d like to attend, please email me soon! (




Announcing the Annie Wilder Literary Agency

Annie Wilder Literary Agency

I’m very pleased to announce my new venture: The Annie Wilder Literary Agency. 

This is the second and final piece in a plan to help writers of paranormal and metaphysical books get book deals and get their books into the hands of readers.

Here’s what I say on my web pages for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency and Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults:

I want to help you get published. 

I’ve had a lot of lucky breaks and opportunities in my writing career and one of my goals is to help other writers get published.

Through the Annie Wilder Literacy Agency, and Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults,  I can offer writers and aspiring writers whatever level of assistance is needed. All the details on how to query, submit material, or get an idea of costs (for editing) are available right on my website:

Annie Wilder Literary Agency

Inkswiggler Editing & Publishing Consults

I have many friends in the paranormal publishing and paranormal media field who are helping me get the word out — Jim Harold of the mega-popular Paranormal Podcast, and Phyllis Galde, publisher of FATE magazine, to name just a few. Thank you, Jim and Phyllis!

I also want to thank my good friend and fellow writer, Terry Aldershof, for giving me the idea of starting a literary agency in the first place. Terry is a former trucker who wrote the foreword and contributed three excellent stories to Trucker Ghost Stories. We also appeared together on the Discovery Channel/Destination America show Monsters and Mysteries in America. (Season 1, “Badlands” episode, if you want to check it out.) Terry has a truly terrifying true ghost story book of his own, Anatomy of a Haunting, published under his pen name, Lee Strong. (Terry was my first client for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency, which seems fitting and right. I already have other clients as well, which is one of the reasons why I’ve been so busy this summer.)

It is my hope that I will have the opportunity to help many other writers realize their dream of getting published.

I’ll end this post by sharing the testimonial that was the catalyst for the Annie Wilder Literary Agency and by linking to my favorite page on my website, the testimonials page.



“I am not sure that Annie understands how much she impacted my life.  When I gave her the synopsis of Anatomy of a Haunting, it was she who insisted that I write it.  It was Annie who gave my synopsis to her agent to sell it, and when that didn’t work out, she stepped in and helped me get my manuscript in shape to query a publisher.

“When all that was done… she found a publisher that loved my book. I know that whatever she does, she will make an impact on the lives she touches. I wish Annie would consider being an agent. She is exactly what this industry needs.”

—Lee Strong, author of Anatomy of a Haunting







Darkness Radio/Haunted Palmer House Event, July 24 ~ 26th


Looking forward to seeing my friends Dave Schrader, Tim Dennis, and the Army of Darkness at tomorrow’s Haunted Palmer House event in Sauk Centre, Minnesota!

My talk is entitled: “Ghosts and Peculiar Astral Beings I Have Met.” I love Darkness Radio events because Dave and Tim are a lot of fun and their fans are super engaged, friendly, and knowledgeable.

You can find out more at the link below.

Also, check my blog next Monday for a BIG announcement! This is actually something I’ve been working on for awhile and I am really excited about it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!!palmer-house-event-2015—july/c1yr8

End of Days Radio Interview


Here’s a link to my interview with Michael and Daniel from End of Days Radio. It was a lot of fun being on this show ~ somewhat unexpectedly, the spirit sisters were very active with the seed poster door light during the interview. (Generally, the spirit sisters are most responsive to teenage girls and the buoyant, almost boisterous energy of groups of women who know each other well and are ready for fun and a new experience.) Michael and Daniel are young men, but there was some sort of resonance between them and the spirit sisters. They were very courteous and respectful, which the spirit sisters appreciate.

One of the End of Days listeners called in during the show with a question regarding the energy grid. Like me, she is able to see an energy grid of moving light. She sent me an email detailing her experiences. With her permission, I’ll share some of her experiences in future blog posts.

My thanks to Michael and Daniel and the End of Days Radio audience!

Mediumship Messages from Your Companion Animals ~ August 2



Receive messages from your animal companions and guides, both here and in spirit!

Join us in the parlor on Sunday, August 2nd, for a fascinating and fun mediumship session with psychic Janice Carlson. Have you ever wondered what your companion animal was thinking ~ or what he or she would ask you if they could speak? Most of us who love our animal friends have a strong bond already; this event is an opportunity to ask questions, clarify communication, and gain insight into your animal companion. Along with individual messages for each guest from his or her companion animal here or on the other side, Janice will present tips on how to talk with your pets in spirit taken from her latest book, Soul Sensing: How to Communicate With Your Deceased Loved Ones. (That ‘s Janice with her pal BuzzBee in the photo above.)

 Here’s what I posted on Facebook after my private session with Janice last year: 

Janice did a reading for me recently in which she connected with our dog Cherry, who crossed over last year.

The reading was very moving and meaningful to me. Among the many things Janice told me that resonated: Cherry appreciated the “soft sandwiches with cheese” that I gave her in her last years (that would be the countless bites of stuffed crust pizza that I shared with Cherry when we knew her days were drawing to a close); Cherry said we helped her a lot going up and down stairs (we did); and Janice sensed that Cherry was a very sweet soul whose first reaction to anything new was often fear, but she would usually overcome it. (It was and she did)

Also interesting thing was that Janice picked up on how terrified Cherry was of storms and that she didn’t want to go in our basement (which is true ~ I had completely forgotten about it). Janice said Cherry didn’t like the basement steps, but more than that, someone had died in the basement and Cherry sensed it and didn’t want to be around that energy. (I will see if Janice can elaborate more on who died in the basement at the event.) The reading with Cherry was very special and made me appreciate and miss our sweet dog.


This session was very comforting to me and helped me reach a sense of closure about Cherry. Please note: This event is a group event. If you would prefer a private session with Janice, you may schedule one by visiting her website.

Mediumship Messages from Your Companion Animals
Sunday, August 2, 2015
1:00 – 3:00 pm
Annie Wilder’s  house in Hastings, Minnesota
(The address will be emailed to participants after registration.)

Reservations and payment must be made in advance.

To reserve a spot and pay for admission via check, Square/Square Cash, or PayPal, please email Annie at this address:



Coffee and treats from Emily’s Bakery will be served.

About Janice Carlson:
During her over 20 years of doing professional mediumship work, Janice Carlson has communicated with almost every kind of pet, from horses to parakeets. You can learn more about Janice and her book, Soul Sensing, which shares the fascinating story of her lifelong work with the spirit world, at

An Odd, Spooky Moment One Night Last Week


I promised to tell this story and the rainy and windy-wild weather of the past 24 hours makes tonight seem like the perfect time.

A week or so ago, there was a night in which I was home alone until around midnight. I didn’t think twice about being home alone, since I am usually not afraid in my house. At some point in the evening, I got the distinct impression that the spirit sisters wanted to communicate with me and that their message was that I was going to start seeing spirits again. (It has been a few years since I’ve seen a full-blown spirit or astral being, rather than just seeing streaks of light or darkness.) I thanked the spirit sisters and hoped that I would get a dream visit from them or possibly from Leon.

By the time I was upstairs taking out my contacts, my mind was on other things ~ that is, until I heard a loud, strange moan coming from what sounded like less than 10 or 15 feet away from me. It actually sounded like the exaggerated ghostly moaning often featured on the Scooby Doo show, when some (human) villain was trying to sound like a ghost.

Fear shot through my body as a flash of heat, than I got goosebumps so quickly I literally shivered ~ my reaction was immediate and physical. I actually thought Dudley or someone was in the house  trying to scare me so I searched through the rooms upstairs. I even looked under the bed, thinking if someone was under there, it would take them longer to get out from such a tight spot then it would take me to run out of the house. But there was no one there.

Just then, Dudley texted that he’d be home in a few minutes. Which helped me stay calm when, a few minutes later, I heard cheerful whistling coming from the corner of my room.

When Dudley got home, I told him what had happened. He said he was surprised I was brave enough to look under the bed. I told him my theory about being able to move faster than someone wedged in the smallish space between the bed and the floor. He said, “But what if it had been a ghost under the bed?”

I have to admit, that possibility had not occurred to me. I’ve lived in a spirit-filled house for more than 20 years and it never crossed my mind that a ghost might be hanging out under the bed. And now I have to NOT think of it, or I’ll never get a decent night’s sleep again ~ Gee, thanks honey! I am happy to report that, except for my iPhone issuing an unexpected flash flood warning this morning at 2 a.m., (or was it 3 a.m.?) the nights since then have been pretty peaceful.


(The photo accompanying this post was taken by a young friend at her house during a storm early this spring. I thought it was such a powerful image, I asked  for permission to use it, which she and her parents graciously granted.)





Report from the Spirits, Ghosts & Guides Event with Suzanne Worthley


The spirits were in the house and the guests were tuning in to them at last week’s Spirits, Ghosts & Guides: A Who’s Who of the Astral World event with energy practitioner Suzanne Worthley.

Our guests were almost all people who knew Suzanne, or me, or both of us. They were bright, curious, and ready to have fun ~ the best kind of energy to bring when learning about and interacting with the spirit world!

Suzanne taught about the difference between spirits and ghosts, whether or not there are faeries and elementals (Yes! for the faerie fans out there), and how to respectfully and safely communicate with the spirit world. She talked about chakras, auras, and the specific process of spirits entering a physical body at the beginning of life and leaving one at the end of life.

On our tour, the guests were amazing, sensing scenes or emotions from the past that Suzanne and I were often able to verify. In Leon’s former living room (at the back of the house) a few women picked up on a feeling sadness and isolation. Another saw a clothesline with freshly laundered linens and said she felt a sense of contentment.

Many guests over the years have tuned into the room’s quiet sadness, but the image of a clothesline and linens was new to me. Suzanne tuned in, and then asked me, “Is there a clothesline in back?” (There was a working clothesline in the backyard when we moved in, which was hidden by our spruce tress for many years. This spring, we had to cut down the trees because they were growing into the power line. We plan to restring the clothesline poles and use it again.) Suzanne said she saw Leon looking out the window at freshly laundered linens and feeling a sense of satisfaction and simple joy.

One of the things I love to do is imagine what my house was like in the past — 50, 75, even 100 or more years ago. It resonated with me that, especially in his last years here, Leon might have enjoyed sitting down to take a break on a summer day and watching the clean white bed sheets waving in the breeze.

The image I am using with this post was taken one night this past week, when the bats were swooping around the house, a train rumbled by with a politely muted nighttime whistle, and a rambunctious wind lifted tree branches and rattled the house decorations. Maybe in 50 or 100 years, someone will tune into my moment of appreciation for the bats and the wind and the train.

My thanks to Suzanne Worthley, the house spirits, and our wonderful guests for a great evening!